Anna is an architect for the Universitat Ramon Llull ETSALS (Barcelona), Master in Architecture II for the Harvard University Graduate School of Design (Cambridge, MA), and PhD in Architectural Design for the Architectural Association (London).

Anna is interim Head of Learning at the Architectural Association, where she teaches as Course Master at the Projective Cities MPhil graduate programme, and Environmental Technical Studies Tutor in the Diploma School. Anna has been Unit Tutor at AcrossRCA, a transdisciplinary graduate programme at the Royal College of Art (London), and at the University of Sheffield, where her student’s work has been awarded the RIBA Yorkshire Student Awards 2023. She has taught yearly design workshops at the Master in Integrated Architectural Design at ETSALS (Barcelona) from 2015 to 2022.

Previous to moving to the UK, Anna was visiting professor at the Escuela de Arquitectura y Estudios Urbanos of Universidad Torcuato Di Tella UTDT EAEU (Buenos Aires) from 2011 to 2021, where she taught Design Studios and Research Seminars, while coordinating and being a tutor of Undergraduate Design Thesis. Parallel to her teaching activities she founded and coordinated the EAEU Archive of Architecture from 2012 to 2021, that registered, compiled, and edited content from the extracurricular activities at the School, producing the series of publications Archivos de Arquitectura, up to its twelfth issue.

Her publications include essays and projects in ArchivosPlot and Notas magazines. She has also collaborated in the edition and production of the books Suprarural (Ciro Najle and Lluís Ortega, Actar Publishers, 2017) and The Generic Sublime (Ciro Najle, Harvard GSD/Actar Publishers, 2016).

In her practice Anna has worked in collaboration with Ciro Najle, projecting organizational models that range different scales and lines of research: from explorations on material behaviour and structural redundance in Cummulus 1664 (Energy Effects, MCA Denver 2010), to the design and prototyping of differentiated support structures for public spaces in Pastizal (Rukan prize 2010), and Waiting Sea (Fleni Foundation commission 2018), or the construction of the Aula Magna lecture hall at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (2017).

Her projects, research, and academic work seek to expand the potentials that result from the convergence of computation and critical thinking, developing design methodologies and discursive frameworks that can contribute to speculate and theorize the transformation currently under way for architecture as material practice.